Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tweet tweet.

So it's finally happened. I have at last ventured into the coveted bluebird realm of micro-blogging and have begun my journey to the twitterverse, yes ladies and gentlemen, I have joined twitter. (Alright it's not that big of a deal, I just enjoy being dramatic from time to time.)

Anyways, so now that I'm actually using it I'm kind of starting to question why I didn't join sooner. At first glance it seems pointless, just another way to let millions of people who probably don't care know what you're doing, etc etc. But it's actually a pretty useful networking tool. I haven't even been a member for very long and I'm already making connections with up and coming graphic designers and the like, something I never really thought to do before. Pretty neat!

Also Conan O'Brien is hilarious. His tweets are definitely reason enough to join twitter. And if that's not good enough to convince you check out some of these strange/funny twitter apps:

Sort of a Post-Secret meets Twitter kind of thing. Basically you can 'tweet' your secrets anonymously. Like post-secret some are funny, some are embarassing and some just plain disturbing.


This one is perfect for foodies/recipe lovers such as myself. Simply enter the ingredients you want and the database pops out a suitable recipe! And if you want more specific results you can follow twecipe on twitter, send in some ingredients and recieve a recipe by direct message.

Track This

Now here's something I could definitely have used back when I was applying for colleges and had a million and 4 packages to track online.
You can set up text or e-mail alerts to send you live updates to track your package via the tracking id number you usually get from a courier service, or alternatively you can link it to send notifications to your twitter and/or facebook account. Potentially a very useful service, and it currently supports all majour couriers ie. DHL, FedEx, and UPS.


TwitMarks 'marks' your gender by analysing your post stream to determine whether you're male or female.
Let me tell you, not very effective :) But fun to try out.


An affiliate of Amazon, this site uses twitter to post literary teasers twice a day. ie. The first line of a novel without the title of the author's name, but with a link to Amazon so users can see what book it is. Somewhat useless? Perhaps. Addictive and profitable? Definitely.

Check out more bizarre apps at TechXav. Oh and follow me on twitter :)

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